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Investment Fund Launches

Launching investment funds, especially retail funds, have become increasingly difficult in today’s regulatory-heavy environment. Regulatory approval and registration, MiFID and PRIIPS reporting, KIID production – the landscape has changed significantly over the last decade.


Add to that all the different functions that will need to be engaged (both internal and external) and work together and a fund launch can become an extremely complex and time-consuming project.


We have launched 100’s of funds across different asset classes and jurisdictions so we know the best processes and who needs to be engaged at what stage of the project.


We will use our 2 phase approach (see below) to engage with the relevant functions and create a comprehensive fund launch plan.


Phased Approach

  • Phase 1 starts with our upfront “Check-up”, aiming to engage with all the relevant functions and establish requirements, output and timings.


  • In Phase 2 we take this information and create a comprehensive customised fund launch plan which, if required, we can help to implement as well.